If you are seeing this page, you are obviously looking for coupons for A Cleaner World. We rarely coupon, and let me tell you why. Ever get mad when you hear that you paid $425 for a seat on a plane and the person next to you paid $210? Yes, me too. We are going to the same place. Doesn't it cost the airline the same for each seat? At A Cleaner World, we prefer to offer fair pricing to everyone.
Couponing costs a lot to print, to distribute, and then you have to keep up with them in order to get the deal. Plus couponing slows down the "check out" process. We would rather not coupon and pass that savings on to you.
Our answer to coupons is Wild Wednesday. We offer A Cleaner World quality at a special price every Wednesday and everyone qualifies. View our weekly dry cleaning specials for the entire year, or sign up for our newsletter to get a weekly e-reminder on Monday of the special for that Wednesday. We will also send out a monthly newsletter that will have a special internet only offer you can print and bring in with you.
One last way to save, ask for your Frequent Cleaner Club card at any of our locations. We stamp your card once at each pickup, and when you have filled out ten stamps, we give you $10 of free cleaning.

Chris Edwards