A Cleaner World Greensboro, NC
Free Home Delivery Available
Greensboro, NC
A Cleaner World
2105 W. Cornwallis Dr. B
Greensboro, NC 27408-7123- (336) 288-5312
- Open 24/7. Attended Hours M-F 8-5 Sat. 10-1
Driving Directions Review Us Greensboro Dry CleanersGreensboro Rug Cleaning
36.09854, -79.81067
Meet Your A Cleaner World Staff

Joe Harmon
Store Manager
Joe Harmon
Store Manager
Joe has been with A Cleaner World for 7 years and is the manager of our Battleground Avenue location. His favorite part of working here is satistying customers. Joe was born and raised in Greensboro, but has been to all 50 states. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling with his wife and son.

Roger Fristoe
Home Delivery Specialist

Bill Gault
Home Delivery Specialist
Greensboro, NC Price List
Pants | 9.27 |
Blazer | 10.72 |
Sweaters | 9.27 |
Tie | 7.33 |
Blouse | 9.93 |
Skirt | 10.51 |
Dress | 16.82 |
Dry Cleaned Shirt | 9.93 |
Suit | 19.99 |
Golf Shirt | 7.12 |
Rugs (sq. ft.) | 3.65 |
Comforter (Q/K) | 48.01 |
Comforter (T/F) | 37.68 |
Blanket | 31.17 |
Laundered Dress Shirt | 3.94 |
Wash & Fold (lb) | 3.49 |
Wedding Gown | From 259.00 |