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A Cleaner World Blog

The older I get, the more I dislike winter.  It’s not that I mind the change in seasons; it’s that I just get cold so easily, and once I’m cold, it takes a long time for that chill to leave my bones.  Imagine how I would be if I didn’t own a coat, but I do.  In fact, I am blessed to own several coats.  

Why do we need a winter coat?

  • Being cold causes our bodies to work harder, putting stress on vital organs. 
  • Heart attacks are more common in cold weather because the cold causes blood vessels to contract, which can raise blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • It is harder for a child to regulate their core body temperature, which could lead to hypothermia.
  • Extend periods in the cold makes both children and adults susceptible to infections.

How does a winter coat keep us warm?

  • Coats keep us warm because of the material.  In fact, our bodies produce the heat; the coat traps the body heat and keeps it from fleeing.

When should you wear a winter coat?

  • While it depends on the person (I wear a coat if it is 60 degrees out), children should at least have a jacket if it’s 50 degrees and a coat if it’s 40 degrees or below.  Ideally, they would also have gloves, a scarf, and a hat.

How many children and adults go without a winter coat each year?

  • That is hard to say.  Before COVID, one in six kids in the US was living in poverty, more than 1.5 million Veterans were living in poverty, and one in three seniors were barely able to meet their monthly obligations.  I would venture a guess that if these folks are living at the poverty line, then a winter coat is not hanging in their closets.

That’s where we all come in.  Thirty-five years ago, A Cleaner World kicked off Give A Kid A Coat, a program that solicits coat donations from residents to give to those in need.  To participate in this year’s campaign, go through your closets to find coats you no longer wear or need and drop them off at any A Cleaner World location.  We will clean them, make minor repairs, and give them to The Salvation Army for distribution.  

Last year we collected, cleaned, and distributed 17,211 coats, and with 923,909 coats collected over the years, we just want to say thank you for your generosity.  The need is still great, and the opportunity for all of us to pitch in is still there.  And while we accept and find home for all sizes of coats, there is always a great need for small children’s sizes.  Will you check your closets and see if you can help?

The 2022 Give A Kid A Coat Campaign kicked off Friday, January 7 and runs through February 12.

Family with coats
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