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A Cleaner World Blog

I have several garments in my closet that are over 10 years old.  For instance, a classic white blouse, a black pencil skirt, several pairs of Levi jeans, a jean jacket, and they all look fantastic.  That is because I take really good care of my clothes.  A little care can go a long way in prolonging the usable life of your garments. Here are some tips to get the most out of your wardrobe:

  • Clean garments frequently to keep them fresh and crisp looking. Not only do stains set with age, ground-in dirt and soil function as an abrasive, causing rapid wear of fibers. Insects also are attracted to soiled clothes and will cause further damage.
  • Always clean matching items together. This is also a good tip for household items. Some dyes may fade with repeated cleaning, causing color variances in matching items that were not cleaned together.
  • If you spill something on your clothes, always blot the stain, do not rub. Rubbing stains can cause color loss and fabric damage.
  • To minimize color loss, things like lotion, deodorant, and perfume should always be applied and allowed to completely dry before dressing.
  • Do not skimp on cleaning your clothes. Give all specialty items like evening wear, wedding dresses, and tuxedos the attention and professional care they deserve.
  • Always clean clothes before storing them to prevent stains, color loss, and fabric damage.
  • Atmospheric conditions may contribute to discoloration and in some cases fabric damage. When storing clothes in a closet, minimize direct sunlight and do not expose them to bright artificial light.

If you have a garment that needs special attention, feel free to call or stop by one of our locations.  We are happy to offer advice and help whenever needed.  

jean jacket
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