A Cleaner World Blog
Spot Clean Only Garments
I have a terrible habit of just purchasing a garment without checking the care label first. Most of the time it’s not an issue – hand wash only (don’t love doing it but I can handle it), machine wash (super easy), or dry clean or professionally wet clean (both are what A Cleaner World is for). But have you ever purchased a garment and then discovered once you got it home that it was a spot clean only item? That recently happened to me when I purchased a sequined top for a holiday party.
Spot clean only care labels are usually found on garments made of delicate or fragile fabrics; with special dyes; or things having lace, sequins, beading, or embellishments. That label means you cannot hand wash, machine wash, wet clean, or dry clean the garment; the only possible way to clean it is by delicately addressing visible spots or stains by specialized spotting agents on those areas and then cleaning them by hand. The problem with doing this is that spot removing stains from certain fabrics can be difficult without leaving circles or rings where the area was spotted. In addition, it can also be difficult to remove underarm discolorations without causing the same result. The bottom line is there is no safe way to clean the entire garment without risking permanent damage.
If I’d known that sequined top was spot clean only, would I have still bought it? Likely. I really did love it that much. So here are a few things to consider when shopping:
- Check the care label before purchasing a new garment. If it says spot clean only, then you can decide if you really can’t live without it.
- Use extra care when wearing spot clean only garments. Get completely ready before dressing to avoid makeup spills or spraying beauty products around it.
- If you get something on it, take it to a professional cleaner right away and be sure to inform the staff that it is a spot only garment and let them know what you spilled on it.
If you do drop off a spot clean only item, we will likely share with you the care limitations and get your approval to proceed. Please know, we’re not trying to talk you out of purchasing a spot clean only garment, especially if it is something you simply love – believe me, I know that feeling. We just want you to be informed. As always, we are here if you have questions!