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A Cleaner World Blog

We're underway in 2023, and for many families, March has a big event: SPRING BREAK. Before you load up the cars or print your boarding passes, the task of packing doesn't have to be a super stressful process. Once you identify all of the clothing you wish to take, here are some tips to maximize your space and transport your clothing items to your destination in a way that will ensure they are ready to wear!

Jeans, Shorts, and T-Shirts

  • Roll, don’t fold, and line the bottom of your suitcase, saving some for the top layer as well. This will help reduce wrinkles.

Suit Jackets, Trousers, Dress Shirts, Skirts, Blouses, and Dresses

  • Place each item inside one of our poly bags.
  • Normally we tell you to remove your garments from our plastic poly bags as soon as you get home. However, using them for packing allows the plastic to trap the air around the garment, which reduces wrinkles.
  • Once the item is inside the bag, fold it in half lengthwise and fold it in half again the opposite direction so that it is one-fourth its original size.


  • Place in a tie carrier or roll, place inside a Ziploc bag, and then place inside packed shoes.

Delicate and Fine Items

  • Place these in the center of your suitcase, avoiding the edges.

Finishing Up

  • Pack remaining rolled items on top of your delicate items to create a cushiony barrier.
  • Not only is it bad to overpack, it’s also bad to under pack. Empty space allows clothes to move around.
  • Tuck your shoes and toiletries (remember to put those in plastic bags) around the edges of your suitcase.

Upon arrival, unpack as soon as possible, hanging delicate items and dress clothes. If items are wrinkled, you can always hang them in the bathroom for approximately 10 minutes with the shower on hot so that it creates plenty of steam. Just be sure to place garments where they won’t get wet.

Enjoy your trip, not worrying about returning to dirty laundry because next week A Cleaner World will share our solution for that!

spring break packing tips
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