A Cleaner World Blog
Doing Our Part By Recycling
Do your hangers mysteriously multiply? While I do reuse my dry-cleaning hangers, and I am a shopaholic, somehow the number of hangers in my closet quickly exceeds the number of garments I own. Then, my parents come to visit, and they always leave their hangers behind. Periodically, I go into the guest room closet to find the top row half full of A Cleaner World hangers. Thankfully, I can load up a hanger caddy and drop it off at the nearest A Cleaner World location.
So, do you have the same problem? Are your closets overflowing with unused hangers?
Don’t let them sit around and just take up space. Ask us for a hanger caddy, fill it up, and drop it by one of our locations. Not only does recycling free up valuable closet space, recycling your hangers helps protect the environment. These days, most professional cleaners recycle hangers.
What should you know when recycling your hangers?
- We only reuse hangers that are both ours and in good condition.
- But that doesn’t mean that unused hangers will end up in a landfill. For example, wire hangers that cannot be reused are melted down into raw carbon steel in the form of bar stock and piping and resold it to places like construction companies, small machine shops, and so on for use as raw material in their operations.
And hangers aren’t the only thing we recycle. We also recycle our poly bags; to participate in our poly bag recycling program, simply put your poly bags inside your express bag when you drop off your order. In addition, we recycle our dry-cleaning solution, following more stringent standards than what’s set forth by the government.
We’re not trying to sound like we’re tooting our own horn; after all, we are human and can miss an opportunity. But we do try to do our best to take care of this beautiful place called Earth. Won’t you join us in trying your best too? Bring us your hangers and poly bags, and feel free to share ways you try to recycle or conserve on Facebook. We’d love to hear your ideas.