A Cleaner World Blog
Does Dry Cleaning Kill Germs on Dirty Clothes?
My husband thinks I wash and dry-clean our clothing too often, but I disagree. Once upon a time, I used to wear a pair of slacks and a sweater to church, and if we went straight to church and then home without stopping anywhere, I would hang those items back in the closet. Not anymore. If I wear something out of the house, even for only a short period of time, I will wash or dry-clean those items as soon as possible because Germs Are Everywhere! Luckily, washing and dry-cleaning helps kill germs and bacteria that get deposited onto fabrics.
What are Germs?
Simply put, they are microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that can cause disease.
Do Germs and Viruses Stay on Clothing?
While they have a better chance of surviving on smooth, hard surfaces, germs and viruses can become trapped with the fibers and fabric weave, making it likely for them to transfer to you later.
How Do You Rid Germs and Viruses from Clothing?
According to the World Health Organization, temperatures of 140°F to 150°F are enough to kill most viruses. But many of today’s high-efficiency washing machines use water at temperatures lower than 140°F in order to save energy, and that is where A Cleaner World comes in.
How Does Dry-Cleaning Kill Germs?
The dry-cleaning process uses heat several times during the cleaning and pressing process. I consulted with expert Brian Harrell, and he told me that during the drying cycle, temperatures reach a minimum of 140°F, and the steam used to press garments can reach up to 220°F.
There you have it. Not only can you trust A Cleaner World to clean and professionally finish your clothes so that you look spiffy, but you can also trust us to rid your favorite pieces of germs and viruses. If you have any questions about how we care for your clothing, drop by one of our locations and we'll be glad to help.