A Cleaner World Blog
2023 Community Baby Shower Happening Now
Adding a new baby to a family is a joyous occasion. Yet, we know some of our neighbors are struggling to get by. Add the needs of a newborn to the mix, and many times families have to choose between buying diapers or paying the electric bill. To assist these families, A Cleaner World is teaming up with FOX8 to host the 6th Annual FOX8 Community Baby Shower, a program designed to provide baby essentials.
To participate in the Community Baby Shower, drop off new things like diapers, wipes, formula, and supplies or gently used items like baby clothes, toys, and cribs at any Triad area A Cleaner World location from April 17 to May 13, 2023. The Salvation Army will collect and distribute the donated items throughout our community. Cash donations can be made online and securely to The Salvation Army. Essential items will be purchased with cash donations and distributed to new mothers and babies in need.
“We believe in the importance of family,” said Chris Edwards, President of A Cleaner World, “and adding a baby to a family should equal joy and happiness, not stress and worry. We want new parents to be able to focus on that joy and merely loving on their new baby. The simple act of donating a package of diapers or some clothing your child has outgrown can make such a difference.”